Design Your Own Custom K-Cups

from $16.00

Box of 12 ct. Specialty double-filtered K-Cups with one-way vented valves. This makes it possible for us to roast, grind and package your order on the same day — FRESH! Guaranteed to fit Keurig 1.0, 2.0, and most other brands.

The industry standard for coffee in single-serve capsules is between 9 and 12.5 grams. But at Happy Mug Roasters we go up to 18 grams, making for a bolder-tasting cup of coffee. The special deeper filter allows us to gain 18 to 20% more space inside the capsule that can be filled with coffee

Design Your Private Brand here . . .

Bean Matrix

Box of 12 ct. Specialty double-filtered K-Cups with one-way vented valves. This makes it possible for us to roast, grind and package your order on the same day — FRESH! Guaranteed to fit Keurig 1.0, 2.0, and most other brands.

The industry standard for coffee in single-serve capsules is between 9 and 12.5 grams. But at Happy Mug Roasters we go up to 18 grams, making for a bolder-tasting cup of coffee. The special deeper filter allows us to gain 18 to 20% more space inside the capsule that can be filled with coffee

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Box of 12 ct. Specialty double-filtered K-Cups with one-way vented valves. This makes it possible for us to roast, grind and package your order on the same day — FRESH! Guaranteed to fit Keurig 1.0, 2.0, and most other brands.

The industry standard for coffee in single-serve capsules is between 9 and 12.5 grams. But at Happy Mug Roasters we go up to 18 grams, making for a bolder-tasting cup of coffee. The special deeper filter allows us to gain 18 to 20% more space inside the capsule that can be filled with coffee

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*Others K-cup coffee grounds are not completely fresh because freshly roasted coffee releases CO2 (carbon dioxide) for at least 2 weeks post-roasting. And they seal their K-cups in a standard airtight way which would cause the capsules to actually blow up if the coffee were fresh! Happy Mug Roasters solved this problem with their unique one way valved, double filtered, iFill K-cup®. This way we can grind and fill your K-cups the same day they were roasted and send them Fresh to your door!

Design Your Own Brand
from $16.00